Akashic Reading (English Information)

Akashic Reading

Language no problem!
155.- per person
  • Live from your home
  • Healing information
  • Insights for life

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Discover the strength of our Akashic Reading.

As a soul we descended to earth to experience what it means to be a human. Even though we have chosen to be here on earth, sometimes we can be overwhelmed by questions, doubts, pain or frustration. Not knowing in which direction to go, getting stuck in relationships, doubt about the love you feel for a partner. What is your calling? What made you incarnate to this planet? Where do you come from? Relevant questions asking for clarity and understanding.

The Akashic field can be compared to the hard disc of a computer. This hard disc is filled with information related to the earth and your soul. You can divide a hard disc in compartments. Every compartment contains important information for your presence here on earth from a soul perspective.

An Akasha reader is able to get access to the record on behalf of the client who wants a reading. In that record the past, the now and the future are stored and accessible.

An Akashic Reading is a sacral moment.

A reader gets permission of the client to go into the Akasha field and receives all the relevant information from the Masters, Beings of Light and Teachers of the Akasha record.

Sometimes a healing takes place by the Masters during the reading. The result will be just in a reading a lot of healing can occur. Prayers from the Beings of Light will be offered to support the healing over time.

A reading takes about 60-90 minutes. It is presented through Zoom. So where ever you are on the planet, you can always receive a reading. In the comforts of your home you can sit back and listen. Sometimes you want to follow up a received reading with a second one. To go deeper into the wisdom or to find other layers. A second reading will always go more in dept.

The investment is €155,-per person. If you recommend 5 persons and they book a reading, your next one will be free. 


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